Artificial Intelligence and Secure Software Development

AI is rapidly changing the way developers work and the way software is developed. It's also changing the way software is secured. Come back to this page often and join the conversation to ensure that innovation doesn't come at the expense of security.

New Report: State of Software Security 2023 BFS&I

Stay informed about the modern threat landscape and importance of technical debt burn down with our newly-released research on the State of Software Security 2023 focused on industry comparisons.
Showcase Media Coverage

Veracode Thought Leaders

At the forefront of application security testing and software security for over 15 years, our thought leaders are eager to share with you and learn from you.
Brian Roche Chief Executive Officer
Sohail Iqbal Chief Information Security Officer
Chris Wysopal Founder and CTO
Chris Eng Chief Research Officer

Veracode Fix:
Continuously find and fix flaws throughout your software development life cycle.